Aurélie Bedel
Biogo team, BRIC, U1312, Bordeaux
After studying pharmacy in Amiens, I specialized in medical biology. In parallel with this medical career, I followed research training in Toulouse, including obtaining a non-permanent INSERM researcher position. I am currently Professor clinician (PUPH) in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in Bordeaux.
I joined François Moreau-Gaudry's team in 2010. We work on the optimization and safety of gene therapy protocols. For several years, I have focused my attention on the use of CRISPR-Cas9 which today allows the development of very efficient new genome editing protocols. We were pioneers in describing unintended genotoxicity induced by DNA double strand breaks. Our work aims to understand the mechanisms involved in the appearance of unwanted chromosomal rearrangements and to propose solutions.