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Chiara Bonini

Hospital san Raffaele, Milan

Chiara Bonini, M.D., Professor of Hematology at the University Vita-Salute, San Raffaele, Head of the Experimental Hematology Unit of Ospedale San Raffaele. She was trained in Milano (Ospedale San Raffaele- OSR), New York (MSKCC) and Seattle (FHCRC). She has been a member of the Boards of ESGCT and ASGCT and chair of the EBMT CTIWP. She is currently member of the Board of ESH, member of the EHA Subcommittee on Cellular Therapy, Councelor of the Board of EHA and Member of ASGCT Program Committee. Her main research focus is allogeneic stem cell transplantation and the development, preclinical and clinical validation of cell and gene therapy approaches to treat cancer.

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