Gloria Gonzalez-Aseguinolaza
University of Navarra, Pamplona
Gloria Gonzalez-Aseguinolaza has been working on Gene Therapy from the beginning of her scientific career. She did her PhD (Madrid) and postdoc (NY) in the development of genetic vaccines against parasites, that mainly affect developing countries, like Leishmania and Malaria. She joined the Gene Therapy and Hepatology department of the University of Navarra in 2001 to head the lab of gene therapy for liver diseases. From 2014 to 2020 She was the director of the Gene Therapy and Regulation of Gene Expression department at CIMA (University of Navarra) in Pamplona Spain. In 2019 she was appointed as deputy director of the research center. In 2016, Gloria founded a European gene therapy company developing therapies for liver diseases (Vivet Therapeutics) with Jean Philippe Combal. She works there part time as CSO. She has trained 19 PhD students directly related to gene therapy, and a number of undergraduate, graduate and master student have been trained in the laboratory in the gene therapy field. She has published more than 100 papers in international scientific journals; and has participated in the development of several gene therapy products. She is currently the president of the Spanish Society of Cell and Gene Therapy and member of the European Society of Cell and gene Therapy board.