Paschalia Koufokotsiou
European Commission
Lina Koufokotsiou is a policy officer in European Commission DG SANTE, responsible for the Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs) and Pharmaceutical in the Environment (PiE) files. She is a member of the legal drafting team of the Commission proposal which revises and replaces the existing general pharmaceutical legislation, adopted on 26 April 2023. In particular, she has contributed to the drafting of the parts regarding the Hospital Exemption, the GMO assessment in the context of authorization of clinical trials, the environmental risk assessment (ERA) in the context of marketing authorization of medicines and other environmental provisions. She has also contributed to the drafting of Council Recommendation on stepping up EU actions to combat antimicrobial resistance in a One Health approach adopted on 13 June 2023. She is currently responsible for the technical content check of deliverables of the study on the implementation and the functioning of Hospital Exemption (HE) in EU countries which the European Health and Digital Executive Agency (HaDEA), under the powers delegated by the European Commission, has commissioned to a contractor.
Lina is by training Veterinarian with specialization in Epidemiology and Public Health.