Raymond Schiffelers
University Medical Center Utrecht
Raymond Schiffelers studied Bio-Pharmaceutical Sciences at Leiden University (1990-1995). After an industrial traineeship at SmithKline Beecham Pharmaceuticals (UK) he did his PhD at Erasmus University Rotterdam on liposomal targeting of antimicrobial agents (1996-2001). Subsequently, he became post-doc at Utrecht University working on liposomes targeting tumor vasculature. In 2002-2003, at Intradigm Co (USA) he moved to delivery of RNA. After his return to Utrecht University he became assistant and then associate professor. He received an ERC Consolidator Grant in 2010 to investigate extracellular vesicles as biological drug delivery systems for RNA. After he moved to University Medical Center Utrecht in 2011 he became proffessor of nanomedicine working on bio-inspired and synthetic drug delivery systems. He coordinates a H2020 project (EXPERT (15 M€), a Horizon Europe project, NANO-ENGINE (3 M€), and an NWA-ORC project NANOSPRESSO-NL (9 M€), all devoted to RNA delivery. He is editor for the International Journal of Pharmaceutics, Journal of Controlled Release and Journal of Extracellular Vesicles, and is founder of EXCYTEX - an extracellular vesicle-based company. Since 2021 he also works part-time for Nanocell Therapeutics as VP Preclinical R&D and has been elected president of the European Technology Platform Nanomedicine since 2021.